This was about how risky it is to consume pesticides and how to eat an organic diet to rid your body of the pesticides that you've already consumed. Pesticides can cause some major health issues and eating organic foods for just one week can start the process of getting rid of the chemicals.

    Key Takeaways:

  • The good news is that this is not the losing proposition that it might initially appear to be. In fact, a 2014 study published in Environmental Research showed that eating an organic diet for just one week reduces the amount of pesticide poisoning in the body by 90 percent.

  • The study, which was carried out by researchers from Australia's RMIT University, found that people who switched to a mostly – but not entirely – organic diet noted this tremendous reduction. In the study, 13 adults were randomly assigned to eat a diet of at least 80 percent organic food or at least 80 percent conventional food.

  • The diets were switched after a week, with urine samples taken for analysis the day after each diet concluded.

"The good news is that this is not the losing proposition that it might initially appear to be. In fact, a 2014 study published in Environmental Research showed that eating an organic diet for just one week reduces the amount of pesticide poisoning in the body by 90 percent. That kind of reduction is nothing to scoff at, and the fact that it can happen so quickly and easily is icing on the cake."